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You are a werecrow. You are able to fly at night. Use observe <nick> to check if someone is in bed or not. You may also use kill <nick> to kill a villager.

The werecrow can kill a target just like the wolves; however, they can also transform into a crow and observe someone at night by using observe <nick> in PM. The werecrow can both observe and kill in the same night. Once day breaks, the werecrow is told whether or not the target was in bed all night. Targets that were not in bed all night are all roles that have a daily night power that must be used every night - the Nocturnal category more specifically. Roles that don't act every night or act once per game, such as matchmakers, hunters, clones, assassins, and turncoats are seen as in bed, even if that role acted that night. If a Nocturnal role did not use their power (harlot staying home, timing out night, etc.), they are still observed as being out of bed. Werecrows are seen as wolf by the seer and oracle and always die if shot by the gunner.

Appearances in game modes

Mode Players needed
aleatoire 15
alpha 24, 20, 22
classic 12
default 12
guardian 10
mad 10
noreveal 15
sleepy 8, 20, 21, 22, 23

Related roles