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A totem can be given out every night by the shaman (S), wolf shaman (WS) and crazed shaman (CS). They can have various effects on the player they were given to.

Totem types

Death totem (S, CS)

Whoever is given the death totem will automatically die the following day. A harlot visiting the recipient of the death totem does not die, although a harlot receiving one will die regardless of whether or not they visit. Death totems (or any other type of kill), and protection totems (or any other type of protection) will stack and may cancel each other out.

Revealing totem (S, CS)

If the person with the revealing totem is lynched during the day, they will survive and have their role revealed to the channel instead. Everyone else will appear as their actual role, including the traitor and the amnesiac. When an amnesiac is lynched they will immediately remember their new role.

Silence totem (S, CS, WS)

The person with the silence totem is unable to use any special powers they may have during the day and the following night phase (so they are silenced the night after being given the totem).

Desperation totem (S, CS)

If the person with the desperation totem is lynched during the day, the last person to vote them will also die.

Protection totem (S, CS, WS)

The person with the protection is protected against any external form of death (such as wolves, hunter, assassins, vengeful ghosts, or death totems). Lover suicide is not protected against. Protection totems (or any other type of protection), and death totems (any other type of kill) will stack and may cancel each other out.

Impatience totem (S, CS, WS)

The person with the impatience totem is counted as having voted for everyone except for themselves. They may still vote, but they are counted regardless of whether or not they do. Equal numbers of Pacifism and Impatience totems cancel each other out, making the person with both totems vote normally.

Pacifism totem (S, CS, WS)

The person with the pacifism totem is counted as abstaining. It won't show up in !votes that they are abstaining. They may still use !vote, but their vote does not count. Equal numbers of Pacifism and Impatience totems cancel each other out, making the person with both totems vote normally.

Influence totem (S, CS)

The person with the influence totem has their votes counted twice. If the person is affected by a pacifism totem or narcolepsy totem their vote does not count anyway, so this totem is useless in that scenario.

Narcolepsy totem (CS)

The person with the narcolepsy totem is unable to participate in the vote during the next day. In terms of counting even number of wolves vs villagers, they are considered the same as a wounded target from the gunner, unlike the pacifism totem.

Exchange totem (CS)

The first person to target the person with the exchange totem the night after they receive it swaps roles with the totem bearer. Each person is told their new role, and may use it immediately that night. All previous actions such as a harlot visiting are retracted (harlot, bodyguard, and GA target get told their visitor disappeared). A wolf selecting the bearer of an exchange totem is swapped immediately even if the kill is not yet finalized due to other wolves not voting.

Lycanthropy totem (CS, WS)

If the bearer of the lycanthropy totem is targeted by wolves the following night, they become a wolf instead of dying. They do not keep their former main role, but do keep any secondary roles they have. Some roles turn into special wolves; guardian angels turn into fallen angels, a role which can bypass all forms of protection. Seers, oracles, and augurs turn into doomsayers, a wolf role with the ability to predict someone's doom. Shamans and crazed shamans turn into wolf shamans, a wolf-aligned shaman with the ability to kill.

Luck totem (CS, WS)

If the bearer of the luck totem is targeted by any role's action during the next day and night, the person targeting them will instead target one of the players directly adjacent to them, according to !join order. Dead players are skipped when considering who is adjacent.

Pestilence totem (CS)

If the bearer of the pestilence totem is killed by wolves the following night, the wolves become ill and will be unable to kill the night after.

Retribution totem (CS, WS)

If the bearer of the retribution totem would be killed the night they receive the totem, they also kill one person targeting them, selected at random. If they are shot by a gunner/sharpshooter the next day and die, they kill the gunner/sharpshooter. If a dead vengeful ghost is selected this way, that vengeful ghost will no longer be able to kill.

Misdirection totem (CS, WS)

If the bearer of the misdirection totem would use a power the following day and night, they miss their intended target and instead target one of the players directly adjacent to them, according to !join order. Dead players are skipped when considering who is adjacent.

Deceit totem (CS, WS)

If the bearer of the deceit totem is seen by the seer or oracle the following night, they are seen as the opposite of what they would normally be seen as. If given directly to the seer or oracle, all of their visions will return the opposite result the following night. If both the seer or oracle as well as their target have a deceit totem, the totems cancel each other out and normal results are returned. Multiple deceit totems on the same person do not stack.