Game modes

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There are many different game modes in lykos. They each have different roles and some modify other game mechanics. Some are picked randomly if there is no majority vote for a game mode (the "main rotation"), and the rest can only be picked by a majority vote. Some game modes are designated as special modes; these cannot be directly voted and can only be set via !fgame.

If nobody uses !game or !vote to vote for a game mode, a random one will be picked with the frequencies listed below. If players do use !game or !vote, then it will make that game mode much more likely to appear. If at least half (≥ 50%) of the players vote for a specific game mode, it will be guaranteed to appear as long as there are enough players. Votes for game modes which there are not enough or too many players for will be ignored.

Main rotation

Players: 6–24

Frequency: 40 (41.24%)

The default game mode. This mode has cultist appear at 7p only and the neutral crazed shaman at 9. Watch out for lovers at 11p and monster which can steal wins at 16p.

This mode is the most likely to appear out of any game mode.
Players: 8–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

Be careful with your votes because the fool is always there, trying to steal the win.

Hunter appears at 9p to make it easier for the village to eliminate wolves and fools.
Players: 7–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

The mad scientist, who kills adjacent players when they die, is featured in this game mode. A cultist appears at 12p and vengeful ghost at 14p,

and gunner will only ever have one bullet regardless of player count.
Players: 7–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

This game mode is centered around lycans which, when targeted by wolves during the night, become wolves themselves.

There aren't many wolves to start but there are a lot of lycans to make up for that.
Players: 8–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

This mode focuses on disguised roles or roles that are unsafe to kill, featuring two cursed villagers at 8p, a vengeful ghost at 10p, an amnesiac and hag at 12p, and a time lord at 21p.

It also features modified shaman totem chances.
Players: 10–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

This mode features the alpha wolf, a wolf capable of turning any other player into a wolf, and the doctor who tries to prevent them from succeeding at that goal.
Players: 4–21

Frequency: 1 (1.03%)

In this game mode, roles are not revealed when players die. You have to really think about who you trust, since any claims may be fake with almost no way for you to know.

The mystic and wolf mystic are given some info on how many people on the opposing team are still alive, to help inform decisions.
Players: 6–18

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

The majority of the people in this mode are followers of an evil cult and are trying to take over the village in collaboration with the wolves.

This flips the typical Werewolf experience on its head by making special villagers the main targets instead of trying to oust the wolves.
Players: 6–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

This game mode features the piper, who uses a magical flute to charm all the other players. If night ends with all players charmed, piper will steal the win.

Charmed players should claim to narrow down the piper before they can snatch the win away.
Players: 8–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

This game mode has many modified roles and other events, for a spooky experience. The main role is priest at 10p, who is always guaranteed to also be a blessed villager and a prophet.

Dullahan always appears in this mode, with the special condition that one of their targets is always the priest.
Players: 6–17

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

The mudkip game mode adds a new role at every player count and offers numerous opportunities for wolves to confuse and mislead the otherwise powerful village long enough for them to snatch a win.

The mode starts with daytime instead of night, and unlike other modes, tied votes during day will kill all tied players.
Players: 6–24

Frequency: 1 (1.03%)

The boreal game mode has a very different setting than most other gamemodes, instead describing a rural village in the middle of a fierce winter storm. Most notable is the starvation mechanic, which is used by the wolf team to convert villagers into wendigos (vengeful ghosts).

All village players are shamans and must give each other sustenance totems to ensure none go hungry and die.
Players: 7–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

This game mode features the guardian angel and werekitten along with alternate endings depending on whether the guardian angels have survived.

An alpha wolf is added at 12p along with a second guardian angel to spice things up and introduce the possibility of a doomsayer or fallen angel.
Players: 6–24

Frequency: 5 (5.15%)

Masquerade is a game mode featuring role sets, where the players are not fully aware of exactly which roles are in the game at the time it starts.


Players: 4–21

Frequency: 0

The classic game mode from before multiple game mode support was introduced in the bot.

It functions exactly the same as it used to, meaning you cannot abstain in this game mode.
Players: 6–24

Frequency: 0

In this game mode, players will rapidly die in chains due to the large number of killing roles. Default day time is shortened in this mode.

If you can engineer a scenario where everyone dies, then everyone will win.
Players: 8–17

Frequency: 0

Named after drunk gunners, this mode features many gunners and drunks, up to 5 drunks and 9 gunners at 16p. Gun chances for non-drunks have been modified so that most are headshots and wolves only either headshot or miss.

Default day and night time is shortened in this mode.
Players: 8–24

Frequency: 0

In this game mode, the default role is matchmaker, and there are very few wolves. Win conditions are changed; if all remaining players are in a single "cluster" of lovers, they all win.

Monster and mad scientist also join in at 12p and 18p, respectively.
Players: 8–24

Frequency: 0

True to its name, random generates random role for each player at the start of the game. There are no normal villagers or cultists, although vengeful ghosts and time lords will still be told they are a villager.

The wolf team will always have at least one member who is able to kill, although that might not be a normal wolf.
Players: 8–24

Frequency: 0

Similar to the random game mode, this mode generates a random roleset and provides everyone with a role. However, roles are also reassigned every night, meaning you will swap teams often

Roles are assigned so that there is always at least one wolf who is able to kill and that the game doesn't immediately end, but besides that there are no balance guarantees.
Players: 6–24

Frequency: 0

This mode features the master of teleportation and highlights how they can interact with the game. Mad scientists and an insomniac are present, both of which can be influenced by the master of teleportation.

The village needs to hope that the vengeful ghost doesn't get caught in a stray mad scientist explosion!
Players: 6–24

Frequency: 0

Pactbreaker is a game mode where three teams compete to win over the village. Player death is rarer, and players must collect evidence on each other in order to determine who is what. The vampires lurk and operate in the shadows while the village decides whether to re-establish their pact with the werewolves or assist the vigilante in freeing the village from their reign.



The roles game mode allows an admin to define custom roles via !fgame. For example, !fgame roles=wolf:2,wolf cub:1,seer:1,harlot:1,village drunk:1,cursed villager:2,default:villager. The part after the = sign can contain role names and the associated number of them, or the special keys "default" to specify a default role (villager or cultist only), "role reveal" to specify if roles are revealed (on, off, or team), and "stats" to specify how !stats reports data (default, accurate, team, or disabled).